Farewell to Kölle

Farewell to Kölle

Now it's official. Torgit and I are homeless. - Thank God we're not homeless. My brother Dirk has offered us asylum for a few days. BUTCH, which we picked up from SpaceCamper on Thursday, is already back at the car wrapper. - After that...
Privileged or "just" happy

Privileged or "just" happy

We are not only doing well, no, we are doing very, very well. - We have become more and more aware of this over the last few days. - We are healthy and happy. Two values that should not be underestimated. - But does that also make us privileged? - This...
planBwagen - "California or Death"

planBwagen - "California or Death"

Like most boys, I had my comic book heroes as a child. But they weren't called Superman, Batman, Robin, Spiderman, Silver Surfer or Captain America. - Instead, I read Asterix - I thought the traveling Bretons were cool....