"Sound through the air joyful sound.

Christmas tone, Christmas tree,

Christmas scent in every room!"


Christmas in Portugal is called Natal, Santa Claus is called Pai Natal, instead of goose and dumplings there is dried fish Bacalhau, which is prepared with cabbage and potatoes. But apart from that, everything looks familiar. Santa Claus here is also "Coca Cola" red and white.

It has been quiet around our blog for two days. There are two reasons for this: on the one hand, we assume that everyone wants a bit of peace and quiet on these days. The other is that we wanted some peace and quiet and to slow down.

But how did we spend Christmas? - We were at the beach for two days, not just Christmas time, but also Christmas weather. And how could it be otherwise at Christmas, we cooked a lot and ate far, far too much. We had prawns, salmon and, for me, goulash. And what can I say, I didn't miss Christmas goose and dumplings that much. - Instead of a Christmas tree, we had a campfire. To celebrate, I treated myself to a glass of Scapa, a 16-year-old single malt Scotch whisky. - Thank you Uwe - I also had a delicious cigar. - Instead of candles, there were Kong Ming lanterns, which were launched from the beach. These floating lanterns rise beautifully from the beach. - If it wasn't forbidden, I could have come up with the idea. - But above all, we had a beautiful sunset. 

Otherwise, we hung out in the hammock on Christmas Day and used the time to swim, read and doze. Oh yes, and for washing up, tidying up and sweeping sand out of the car three times a day.

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