You know how Facebook reminds you of events from the past? - Most of the time I am happy about this feature. - Today it is once again so far. This time Facebook reminds me of a photo I posted on my chronicle three years ago today. It shows a photo of our bulletin board. - No, not the digital pinboard, but our very real pinboard, which is behind our dining area. But this wall is more than just a pinboard. Surely one or the other knows the term visionboard or dreamboard. A place to collect, visualize and manifest positive moments, our dreams, wishes, desires and life vision for us.

Torgit and I came up with the idea to paint this wall with magnetic paint to gather positive energy for us right there. Instead of pins, we deliberately wanted to use magnets to attract our wishes, so to speak, like magnetically. So our very personal order with the universe. You can see that I too have read "Ordering from the Universe", the manual for wish fulfillment. But I have to admit that the content was a bit too esoteric for me. Listening to your inner voice, sure that makes sense. But to believe that you can really control yourself through your thoughts. - For me that was always a bit thick. - How would my friend Martin say? Think big or go home!? - Does it always have to be schnella, weita, höha?

  • We wanted to define our personal goals with two coach friends. - Why not in a wellness hotel?
  • We wanted to experience real boat crew with our sales team
  • We wanted to visit a concert of Fanta 4
  • We wanted to sail for a week with good friends
  • We wanted to discover Canada
  • We wanted to secure a place at a corporate incentive
  • We wanted to afford a VW camper in the long term and save for it in the medium term. 
  • We wanted to treat ourselves to a few days vacation in a real Airstreamer
  • We, no Torgit wanted, with a few girls, spend a few days in SPO. So yoga and so.
  • We wanted to measure ourselves against ourselves: What am I doing better today than yesterday?
  • We wanted to consider a few life lessons from the book "5 Things Dying People Regret the Most". - To have courage to live your own life - to work less - to express feelings - to maintain friendships, to treat yourself to friends.
  • We also wanted to consider a few tips from the motivational book Fish. - Choosing our attitude. Bringing more play and fun into our daily lives. Bring joy to others. And be present!
  • We have never been to New York - Clear goal
  • Oh yes, that was something else, we wanted to visit a sushi cooking class. Therefore, tickets were ordered.

And what happened to our goals? - I would never have believed it. - All but two were realized. - We let the sushi cooking course lapse. Apparently it wasn't that important to us. Instead, we got sushi on a regular basis. We would never have come close to the arts of our sushi restaurant around the corner. And New York was put on the back burner. - Or was that destination lost to us? I'm not sure yet. But one thing I know, here and now, I don't want to be in New York. 

And what has become of our pinboard? - It is empty. Only a few magnets remind us that goals used to hang here. Have we lost sight of our goals? No, certainly not. But we don't need a pin board anymore. Our goals are colorful, full of colors. We feel them deep inside us, we can feel it, smell it and I mean even taste it. They not only smell like salt, they taste like it. - One thing has remained, it is no longer about faster, further, higher, but it is still about more, more sea.

Torgit: I hear the drums of Benirras. And I have a longing. For the beach and the sea and the freedom and the lightness that I'm missing right here in Cologne.

Our life in Cologne was characterized by a lot of work and stress. It was never a question of whether we were turning with the world, but whether we were turning fast enough. Höha, weita, faster. Optimizing more and more and more. A weekend at Bollants, one of the most beautiful wellness hotels in Germany, not for relaxing, but for coaching. A weekend at Daniels in Vienna, not for sightseeing, but for training and working with the team. On the flight to Vienna I marked in a great alternative travel guide what I would like to see. I didn't implement any of that. But we did a lot of work. 

Conclusion: Live more colorful!

white T5 California on sandy beach in Algarve
Lucky muscle workout on the beach exercise Plank
Happy muscle workout on the beach with yoga
VW California on the sea in front of sunset
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