Surely you know such or similar lists. Therefore, one thing in advance: We are complaining here on a high, no, very high level. We have fulfilled our dream with BUTCH.

Since we were already with a VW California almost 3/4 year on the road, we knew all the strengths and weaknesses of this model. Almost all weaknesses, were turned off with the SpaceCamper.
Other modifications make everyday life easier.

Additional water tanks, solar system and storage make us relatively independent. The off-road conversion from the Terranger company also allows us to stand where many others cannot. Yes, we are complaining at a high level.

Nevertheless, factors remain that one should be aware of before going to the WAGENVOLK. Such a "gypsy life" has it in itself. Please do not take me the "gypsy life" crooked, because Sinti, Roma & Co, would have fit here just as little, as homeless or unsteady. So let's stay with the WAGENVOLK.

First: showers 🚿

When our water tanks are full, we have 150 liters of water on board. This allows us to shower regularly. Pure luxury. Still, you have to realize that the water is cold most of the time. At thirty degrees it may be nice, but then the water is exceptionally warm. At five degrees, cold water is cold, very, very cold. - Vanlife is not for hot-showers. 

Second: Tetris

The long wheelbase has created additional storage space for us. In contrast to the VW California, SpaceCamper is also much easier to reach the storage boxes in the rear from the inside. And yet we are constantly moving things back and forth. There is always something in the way (sometimes even Torgit) so that you can't get to the things you want. If you know the game Tetris, you know what we mean. Vanlife is not for order lovers. Or maybe it is?

Third: The cooler

We have not one but two coolers. That, too, is luxury. Many Bullis, especially the older models, do not have a cooling option on board. For carnivores like me, that would be hell. So far so good, but a cool box is not a refrigerator. No matter what you need, it's at the bottom. And even if you rearrange everything, it's back to that.

Fourth: The abortion

Very few bullis have a toilet on board. Sure, there are solutions like a Porta Potti. But where to put it when you don't need it? SpaceCamper has come up with something special here. We have a folding toilet in the sliding door. And although we are grateful for this luxury, it is not to be compared with the quiet little toilet at home. Oh yeah I forgot, we are home. So, whenever we can, we switch to fresh air. Model folding spade. The latter does not require much space. Alternatively, you can always find a stone or two, better three. 

My appeal to all freestylers: Make sure that your excrement is not lying around everywhere. They certainly do not belong in the dog's muzzle. Especially walkers with dogs will thank you.

Fifth: Personal space

Before you move into a van, you should realize that you have virtually no place to retreat. Unless, of course, you travel alone. As many have found out on the road, this condition sometimes arises all by itself 🙂 Of course, you often have the most beautiful places on your doorstep. But in bad weather, it can be tight.

Sixth: Comfort zone

When traveling, there is always something new to discover. This sounds wonderful, but it does not always have to be. You're constantly on the lookout for the nearest bakery, supermarket, hairdresser or barber, a suitable parking space, water 💦 and... When you finally find the new supermarket, for example, it's a matter of getting used to new sorting, new languages, new products. These constant challenges ensure that you rarely return to your comfort zone. Our tip: traveling has to mean arriving once in a while. That's why it's important to stand still for a while here and there.

Seventh: Arguing

Sometimes we do not manage to take into account the previous recommendation. In a confined space, it crackles more often. So keep your eyes open when choosing a partner. We have learned a little by now, not only to argue faster, but more effectively, to clarify issues, not to take everything personally and to reconcile faster. If you're not willing to back down, you shouldn't get on a bus. Because it's just hard to get out of the way. But reconciling is twice as much fun.

Eighth: Technology

Something always doesn't work. It may be that the gas runs out again during cooking. When else? Or the stove does not work at all for other reasons. A lot of things are designed for weekend campers. It takes a long time to find out the items that really withstand the everyday load. Therefore, our packing list is adjusted from time to time.

Ninth: Daily head bump

I don't think it's an issue of our size, or the size of our van. Vanlife also means bumping into things from time to time. Mostly with my head. Hardly a day goes by that I don't bump into something. Sometimes that's annoying, but most of the time you can only laugh about it.

Actually, this list should contain ten points. But such listings are purely subjective. Everyone has their own personal issues. I, for example, can't think of any others off the top of my head. Torgit's list should be a bit longer. But it's her own fault. Without her, we wouldn't be on tour at all. 😊

So if I had to choose, a spot on my old garden bench or vanlife, which do you think I would choose?

Please don't tell Torgit how grateful I am to her. Otherwise she will become rebellious again.

PS: Here you can find our SpaceCampers Equipment details, our SpaceCamper Expansion, the SpaceCamper Detail equipment "Last Call, as well as SpaceCamper Insider tips.

Here our TERRANGER Offroad modifications, info about the topics Terranger off-road driving training, Energy management, DIY Water tanks, DIY Rear carrier system, Vehicle Security & Anti-Theft, Pit stop at delta4x4, Sand sheetsVehicle foiling and Ceramic sealing.

To round off the topic Product piracy with offroad tuners.

The topics Packing list, Tips & Tricks, BUTCH & Friends, Home port, the Travel blogs, the subject HAPPINESS MUSCLE as well as About us we have dedicated separate sections. You can contact us here.

And last but not least here is our link overview "Follow the Sun". So you know where you can still follow us. 

You will find your way around. 😎 If you like the posts, tell and share it, thank you!

Torgit and marc relaxed
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